Category Archives: daily life

My Magic 8 Ball


The amazing, mysterious, all-knowing Magic 8 Ball of truth. You know the deal – ask it a yes or no question, give it a shake, then turn it over and peer into its magic blue window of knowledge. Do you believe in the wisdom offered by a plastic 8 ball filled with blue mystery liquid surrounding a plastic icosahedron of answers? I can’t say I do, but it’s a lot of fun to play with anyway! By the way, I think “icosahedron” is the coolest word since “sargalesis” (look it up).
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Who’s That Desktop Wallpaper Girl?

Gabrielle desktop wallpaper at work

I often tell other crossdressers that I look so different en femme, fully made up, that no one (who knows my man-side) would ever recognize me if they saw. To test this a little, I changed my work-place desktop wallpaper to a close-up of Gabrielle’s face. The photo above is of my dual wide screen 22″ monitors at work. Guess what people are saying…
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HE Turned Out to be a SHE

cable van

The cable guy made a house call at the Hermosa household recently. When he spoke to greet me, I realized immediately that the gable guy was really the cable gal. My wife and I both mistook her for a him. Honestly, she really did look more like a him than a her. Just to be clear, I’m not picking on her appearance in any way, shape, or form – only indicating that she looked male based on her physical appearance alone. The point I’m getting to is how society is very accepting of women who dress and look masculine in appearance. Society is not accepting of men who dress and look feminine in appearance. Why does this only work one way and not the other?
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Happy Memorial Day 2009

U.S. Flag and Arlington National Cemetery

Today is Memorial Day here in the United States of America. It is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. I’m always grateful for those who are brave enough to serve, and for those who have paid the ultimate price while doing so. All politics aside, without all the brave men and women who have served over the years, it is unlikely we would be enjoying the quality of life and freedoms so many take for granted today.
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